Monday, August 4, 2008

Why does adult female have acne when hormones are normal and top acne treatments and proactive

In treating Acne vulgaris, dermatologist usually prescribe Topical bactericides. This treatment is applied directly on the skin ( face and any other affected part). It attempts to treat the condition from outside in. It would gradually try to cut down the bacteria at the pores and work inwards to get underneath. If you have a mild case, then this treatment might be sufficient. If however you have a more serious case, there are other treatments like Topical antibiotics and oral antibiotics.
If you're suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned above, make sure you take appropriate action or schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. It may not be a sunburn after all.
Rosacea is not that uncommon, one in every twenty adults have it. Northern europeans, the english, the scottish, eastern european, especially bolnd haired and fair-skinned, have a higher history of rosacea in their families. It's most common to females between twenty and sixty years of age.
tags: pills for treatment of acne, top natural acne drug, natural remedies for reducing redness of acne

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